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About Stephanie Baker Opperman

Stephanie Opperman is a Professor of History at Georgia College. She earned her doctorate from the University of Illinois Chicago in Latin American History. Her research and publications focus on mid-twentieth century U.S.-Mexico diplomatic and cultural relations. Her forthcoming book project examines the contradictions within Cold War anthropology through the lens of Isabel Kelly's work in Mexico, Bolivia, and Pakistan. As the Principal Investigator and Co-Program Director for the NEH grant, “Flannery O'Connor and Milledgeville: Collecting the Past,” she is working with undergraduate students to interview community members who lived in Milledgeville during the heart of O’Connor’s writing career (1951-1964). The goal of the project is to learn more about experiences with class, gender, race, disability, the Cold War, religious beliefs, commercialism, and old/new South mythologies in 1950s rural Georgia.


Present Associate Professor of History, Georgia College & State University History & Geography


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