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An Examination of Athletic Directors Perceptions of the Utilization of Athletic Trainers in the Secondary School Setting
  • Stephanie H. Clines, Sacred Heart University
Many secondary school athletes are lacking appropriate medical care during sport
participation. Athletic trainers (ATs) are qualified healthcare professionals that can fill this need.
Barriers to hiring ATs within this setting have been identified, however important information
from administrators is lacking on why secondary schools choose to utilize ATs. Understanding
this decision making process has the potential to guide future strategies to increase the number of
secondary schools that employ ATs and improve retention of athletic training positions within
the secondary school setting.
Our objective was to explore athletic directors’ perceptions of the roles and services
provided by ATs working in the secondary school setting and to understand the needs of the
athletic program and school in terms of the utilization of athletic training services.
  • High school athletics,
  • High school sports,
  • Athletic trainers
Publication Date
May, 2018
Field of study
Health Services Research
A Dissertation Submitted to the Faculty of Old Dominion University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Health Services Research, Old Dominion University.
Citation Information
Stephanie H. Clines. "An Examination of Athletic Directors Perceptions of the Utilization of Athletic Trainers in the Secondary School Setting" (2018)
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