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Unpublished Paper
Abortion Legalization and the Fabric of American College Students
  • Stéphane Mechoulan, Dalhousie University
 I investigate the consequences of abortion legalization on the socio-demographic characteristics of college students using cross sectional data from the Freshman Survey. I supplement classic two-way fixed effects regressions with recently proposed difference-in-difference estimators which account for treatment effect heterogeneity across groups and over time. Abortion legalization did not increase the overall share of first-generation female college students and marginally decreased the share of first-generation male college students. It more significantly decreased the share of both female and male first-generation students in four-year colleges, particularly non selective ones. Abortion legalization did not slow down the secular increase in the proportion of students with either two college educated or high-income parents and marginally increased those proportions for males in non selective four-year colleges.
  • abortion,
  • difference in difference,
  • college
Publication Date
Winter January, 2023
Citation Information
Stéphane Mechoulan. "Abortion Legalization and the Fabric of American College Students" (2023)
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