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Transforming Ordinary Spaces into Hopeful Spaces
Global South Scholars in the Western Academy: Harnessing Unique Experiences, Knowledges, and Positionality in the Third Space
  • Staci B. Martin, Portland State University
  • Debra Tavares
  • Milan Philipos
  • Aline Alvarez
  • Isabelle Maranghi,
  • Irving Sanchez Cisneros
  • Danna Diaz
  • David Peterson del Mar, Portland State University
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
  • Graduate students,
  • Minority college teachers

In this chapter, we demonstrate ways in which co-created third spaces protect hope in the classroom to engender deliberate relationships and meaningful conversations that unpack and sustain third spaces of hope. As we did eight story exchanges with students and teachers from high school to university, we collectively struggled to ask and answer complicated questions about spaces (1) of vulnerability, (2) of learning from others, and, finally, (3) of being present for others. Our hope in this chapter is to demonstrate our process, as a method for others to replicate and co-create meaningful and hopeful third spaces that can launch actionable results in support of a just world.


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Citation Information
Martin, S. B., Tavares, D., Philipos, M., Alvarez, A., Maranghi, I., Cisneros, I. S., ... & del Mar, D. P. (2021). Transforming Ordinary Spaces into Hopeful Spaces. In Global South Scholars in the Western Academy (pp. 155-170). Routledge.