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Enumeration of Maximal Cliques from an Uncertain Graph
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
  • Srikanta Tirthapura, Iowa State University
  • Pan Xu, University of Maryland at College Park
  • Arko Provo Mukherjee, Iowa State University
Document Type
Publication Version
Accepted Manuscript
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We consider the enumeration of dense substructures (maximal cliques) from an uncertain graph. For parameter 0 ;a ;1, we define the notion of an a-maximal clique in an uncertain graph. We present matching upper and lower bounds on the number of a-maximal cliques possible within a (uncertain) graph. We present an algorithm to enumerate a-maximal cliques whose worst-case runtime is near-optimal, and an experimental evaluation showing the practical utility of the algorithm.


This is a manuscript of an article published as Mukherjee, Arko Provo, Pan Xu, and Srikanta Tirthapura. "Enumeration of maximal cliques from an uncertain graph." IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 29, no. 3 (2017): 543-555. 10.1109/TKDE.2016.2527643. Posted with permission.

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Citation Information
Srikanta Tirthapura, Pan Xu and Arko Provo Mukherjee. "Enumeration of Maximal Cliques from an Uncertain Graph" IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering Vol. 29 Iss. 3 (2017) p. 543 - 555
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