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Agricultural Repositories in India: At a Glance
  • Sridhar Gutam, Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture
The first Open Access Repository in agricultural sciences to be established in India is ICRISAT Open Access Repository in May 2009. The ICRISAT, had taken lead in the movement and organised Consultation on Enhancing Open Access in Indian Agriculture during Septemember 2009 at Hyderabad. The outcome of the consultation is the Eprints@IARI, the Open Access Institutional Repository of the Indian Agricultural Research Institute which was established in the same year (2009) during November and OpenAgri, Open Access Agriculture Research Repository under the Agropedia of National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) in February 2010. These developments made Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute to establish its Open Access Institutional Repository, Eprints@CMFRI; Dspice@IISR by Indian Institute of Spices Research in June 2010; E-Repository@IIHR by Indian Institute of Horticultural Research in January 2011.
Publication Date
August 13, 2012
Citation Information
Sridhar Gutam. "Agricultural Repositories in India: At a Glance" (2012)
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