Is Service-Learning the Answer? Preparing Teacher Candidates to Work with ELLs through Service-Learning Experiences
New Waves-Educational Research and Development Journal: Special Issue on Service Learning in Education
In an effort to address the gaps in preparing teacher candidates (TCs) to work with English Language Learners (ELLs), service-learning experiences (SLE) were integrated into two courses within a teacher education program. This exploratory case study sought to explore the outcomes of teacher candidates (TCs) engaged in SLE with diverse students and families, particularly ELLs. Content analysis of students’ reflections provided insights of the impact of the SLE. Findings indicate that participating in service-learning with ELLs provides opportunities for TCs to engage in positive interactions that help to address misconceptions about students, families, and communities. TCs also began to confront their fears of working with ELLs and develop relationship-building skills and initial strategies for teaching ELLs.
- service-learning,
- ELLs,
- ESL,
- Mainstream teachers,
- Latino families,
- content area literacy
- Latina/o Studies,
- Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education,
- Curriculum and Instruction,
- Scholarship of Teaching and Learning,
- Teacher Education and Professional Development,
- Linguistics,
- First and Second Language Acquisition,
- Community-Based Learning,
- Community-Based Research and
- Service Learning
Publication Date
Spring April, 2015
Citation Information
Sandra Rodriguez-Arroyo. "Is Service-Learning the Answer? Preparing Teacher Candidates to Work with ELLs through Service-Learning Experiences" New Waves-Educational Research and Development Journal: Special Issue on Service Learning in Education Vol. 18 Iss. 1 (2015) p. 18 - 35 Available at: http://works.bepress.com/srarroyo/7/