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"Playgrounds and the Importance of Play" Talk of Iowa, Iowa Public Radio Interview by EMILY WOODBURY & CHARITY NEBBE • JUL 12, 2016
  • Bambi L Yost, Iowa State University
  • Spyridoula Vazou, Iowa State University
As outdoor playtime has dwindled for many kids in the United States our understanding of the importance of that time has grown.
"Kids are 71 percent less involved in outdoor activities now than they were ten years ago," says Dr. Stuart Brown, founding director of the National Institute for Play. "To me it's a public health issue. The benefits of play need to be understood both for personal health, brain development, and social competency. We don't somehow see play as being connected to that and yet it is."
On this hour of Talk of Iowa, host Charity Nebbe talks to Brown, as well as Iowans who are making outdoor play a priority: Bambi Yost, assistant professor of land architecture at Iowa State University, Jan Grenko Lehman, Iowa City Schools Physical Education Coordinator, and Spyridoula Vazou assistant professor of kinesiology at Iowa State University.
They discuss the inequities that exist between schoolyards, what it takes to build a better playground, as well as how unstructured, physical play impacts brain development.

Link to interview audio stream:

And read the interview TRANSCRIPT at:

  • playgrounds,
  • play,
  • cognitive function,
  • cognition,
  • physical education,
  • play equipment,
  • schoolyards,
  • school,
  • landscape architecture,
  • community-based planning,
  • environmental justice,
  • health,
  • well-being,
  • children,
  • neighborhood coalitions,
  • risk,
  • risky play,
  • risk-taking,
  • adventure playgrounds,
  • recess,
  • free play,
  • sports
Publication Date
Summer August 14, 2016
Publisher Statement
This radio interview was conducted on July 12, 2016. The transcript was published on on August 14, 2014. Please feel free to contact us with any questions.
Thank you!
Citation Information
Woodbury, E. and Nebbe, C. (Interviewers) & Yost, B., Brown, S., Grenko Lehman, J. & Vazou, S. (Interviewees). (2016). Playgrounds and the Importance of Play [Interview transcript]. Published August 14, 2016. Retrieved from Bambi Yost's Web site: And/Or Woodbury, E. and Nebbe, C. (Interviewers) & Yost, B., Brown, S., Grenko Lehman, J. & Vazou, S. (Interviewees). (2016). Playgrounds and the Importance of Play [Audio Recording]. Aired live online July 12, 2016. Retrieved from Iowa Public Radio's Talk of Iowa Web site:
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