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Building and Supporting a Research to Publication Pipeline
Publications & Research
  • Sowmya Anjur, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
  • Jean Bigger, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
  • Joyce Symoniak, Illinois Math and Science Academy
Document Type
Conference Paper/Presentation

Presented at the NCSSS 2022 Professional Conference

Publication Date

Participants in this session will learn how IMSA is generating and disseminating scholarship and incorporating students into its research to publication pipeline.

We will also be discussing the benefits of including our student’s best work in DigitalCommons; students having the opportunity to own a publication before leaving high school and inspiring other students to do the same, witnessing their own growth in critical thinking and written communication skills, developing student portfolios, and graduating with an understanding of the importance and benefit of being connected to a global community of scholars.

The Open Educational Resources (OERs) being shared through IMSA’s institutional repository, DigitalCommons, were created by faculty and staff, and reflect the scholarly, innovative, and pedagogical culture of the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy. Educators will also see how to easily search IMSA’s open access collaboratorium for lesson plans, teaching units, peer-reviewed articles and literature, conference papers /presentations / posters, books and book chapters, webinars, podcasts, and more.

Citation Information
Sowmya Anjur, Jean Bigger and Joyce Symoniak. "Building and Supporting a Research to Publication Pipeline" (2022)
Available at: