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Using Heart Models for Physiology Teaching and Learning
Faculty Publications & Research
  • Sowmya Anjur, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
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Over the last few decades, there has been a shift in the classroom from a teacher-centered learning environment, with its emphasis on content delivery, to a student-centered environment focused on inquiry learning ( PositionStatement_Scienti cInquiry.pdf). With the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS, 2012) being adopted by many states, students are no longer passive listeners, but actively participate in and initiate class discussions (Weimar, 2013). Additionally, recent technological advances have allowed students to acquire information from sources such as the internet which no longer necessitates the teacher giving lectures (Silver- thorn, 2006). The more student-centered learning environment allows students to better comprehend and articulate their understanding.

Citation Information
Anjur, S. (2015). Using heart models for physiology teaching and learning. Spectrum, 40(3), 33-37. Retrieved from