Popular Press
On the need to balance endowments and academic integrity
Islamic Societies Review
As universities face revenues shortfalls due to national and global economic trends, administrators are forced to look for alternative funding streams. Some of the attractive options consist of creating satellite campuses in rich countries and accepting donors from individuals, corporations, and governments. What is the price of such new partnerships and what is the function of endowments for donors and the universities?
- Academic Freedom,
- Academic Integrity,
- Endowments,
- Higher Education
- Comparative and Foreign Law,
- Higher Education Administration,
- Inequality and Stratification,
- International and Area Studies,
- International Relations,
- Jurisprudence,
- Law and Politics,
- Legal History,
- Legal Studies,
- Near Eastern Languages and Societies,
- Other Law,
- Politics and Social Change,
- Race and Ethnicity and
- Religion Law
Publication Date
Spring April 15, 2013
Citation Information
Ahmed E SOUAIAIA. "On the need to balance endowments and academic integrity" Islamic Societies Review (2013) Available at: http://works.bepress.com/souaiaia/17/