Diagnostic AβO-targeted probes for Alzheimer’s Disease
Student Publications & Research
Document Type
Conference Paper/Presentation
2019 Korea Science Academy Science Fair (KSASF)
Publication Date
Kirsten Viola, Northwestern University
William Klein, Ph.D., Northwestern University
Aβ Oligomers (called AβOs) are small peptides that show early build-up in immunohistochemistry and immunochemistry studies, and appear before plaques in Alzheimer’s development. High levels of AβOs cause loss of memory performance and other pathological changes.Early presentation of AβOs makes them ideal for diagnostic targeting with AβO-specific antibodies Bound to magnetic nanostructures (MNSs) for MRI visibility. Further testing can determine effectiveness of future pharmaceuticals for AD therapy.
Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International
Citation Information
Nafay Abdul and Sophia Pribus. "Diagnostic AβO-targeted probes for Alzheimer’s Disease" (2019) Available at: