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Maximum number of edges in digraphs with specified weak diameter
Joint Mathematics Meetings (2015)
  • Zoltan Furedi, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Sogol Jahanbekam, University of Colorado, Denver
The weak distance between two vertices in a digraph G is the length of a shortest directed path connecting these two vertices. The weak diameter of a digraph G is the longest weak distance among all pairs of vertices in G. We define w(n, d) to be the smallest number of edges a digraph G with n vertices and weak diameter d can have. We determine w(n, d), whenever n is large enough as a function of d. This is joint work with Zoltan Füredi.
Publication Date
January 13, 2015
San Antonio, TX
Citation Information
Zoltan Furedi and Sogol Jahanbekam. "Maximum number of edges in digraphs with specified weak diameter" Joint Mathematics Meetings (2015)
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