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The Pastor: Forming a Shared Vocational Vision
Faculty Publications
  • Skip Bell, Andrews University
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Who defines the vocat i o n a l v i s i o n fo r pastoral ministry? Is it the employing denomination? Is it the congregation the pastor serves? Is it the church board? Is it the demand of the moment—preaching, evangelism, mission, church planting? Is it the Great Commission? Or is it the One who gives the commission? The purpose of this article is to discover a biblical foundation for a pastoral vision. Such a foundation offers the hope of transcending differing perspectives while relating to the various expectations of the church and broader community. Articulating a biblical vision for the pastor is an ambitious undertaking. Perhaps a good place to begin is to look at the relationship between Paul, the seasoned apostle, and Timothy, a developing pastoral leader. But first, some thoughts on developing the vocational vision of the pastor.


Retrieved June 30, 2015, from Ministry

Journal Title
Ministry: International Journal for Pastors
Citation Information
Skip Bell. "The Pastor: Forming a Shared Vocational Vision" Vol. 86 Iss. 3 (2014) p. 19 - 22
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