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About Sire Kassama

I am currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in biotechnology. Growing up, I was continually exposed to the agricultural community as well as research in modern science which sparked a deep interest in agricultural systems. Previously, I was a summer intern in the laboratory of Dr. Klaas van Wijk, Department of Plant Biology at Cornell University. My project in the van Wijk lab sought to resolve the function of four novel proteins found in the plastoglobule of Arabidopsis thaliana. During a ten week internship at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, I worked with Dr. Steve Baenziger on a project to evaluate the efficacy of the Clearfield wheat breeding program. I am currently researching the genotype-phenotype association of an important root trait in the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) under the tutelage of Dr. Anna Savage, Department of Biology at the University of Central Florida, and Dr John Hart, Earthwork Seeds Inc. I will pursue a Ph.D. in plant breeding and will continue research and development efforts in the plant breeding field for small female farmers across the globe.  


August 2016 - Present Undergraduate Researcher, University of Central Florida Department of Biology
June 2018 - August 2018 Summer Field Technician and Research Intern, University of Nebraska - Lincoln ‐ Department of Agronomy and Horticulture
June 2018 - August 2018 Summer Research Intern, University of Nebraska - Lincoln ‐ Plant Breeding and Genetics
June 2017 - August 2017 Summer Research Intern, Cornell University ‐ Boyce Thompson Institute


2018 - Present Undergraduate Research Grant
UCF Office of Undergraduate Research
Role: Undergraduate Researcher
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Honors and Awards

  • President's List
  • Dean's List
  • Cornell University Diversity Preview Scholar
  • Northwestern University IGEN Scholar
  • McNair Scholar
  • Knights of Distinction Scholar
  • Golden Opportunity Scholar


  • Evolutionary Biology
  • Organic Chemistry I & II
  • Organic Chemistry I & II
  • Microbial Metabolism
  • Molecular Biology I
  • Microbiology
  • Quantitative Biological Methods


Present University of Central Florida ‐ College of Medicine

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