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Cyber-Physical Security Assessment and Resilience of a Microgrid Testbed
2021 Resilience Week (RWS)
  • Said Ahmed-Zaid, Boise State University
  • Sin Ming Loo, Boise State University
  • Andres Valdepena-Delgado, Boise State University
  • Theron Beam, Boise State University
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date

In order to identify potential weakness in communication and data in transit, a microgrid testbed is being developed at Boise State University. This testbed will be used to verify microgrid models and communication methods in an effort to increase the resiliency of these systems to cyber-attacks. If vulnerabilities are found in these communication methods, then risk mitigation techniques will be developed to address them.

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Citation Information
Said Ahmed-Zaid, Sin Ming Loo, Andres Valdepena-Delgado and Theron Beam. "Cyber-Physical Security Assessment and Resilience of a Microgrid Testbed" 2021 Resilience Week (RWS) (2021)
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