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Transcardiopulmonary thermal dye versus single thermodilution methods for assessment of intrathoracic blood volume and extravascular lung water in major burn resuscitation.
The Journal Of Burn Care & Rehabilitation
  • Markus V Küntscher
  • Christoph Czermak
  • Sigrid A Blome-Eberwein, MD, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Andreas Dacho
  • Günter Germann, MD, PhD
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The purpose of this study was to compare the approximated values for intrathoracic blood volume (ITBV) and extravascular lung water (EVLW) obtained from a single indicator dilution to the exact data measured by double-indicator dilution. Eighteen patients with an average TBSA of 46.3% (range, 26 to 67%) and an average abbreviated burn severity index of 8.7 (range, 7 to 11) were included into a intraindividual comparative prospective study over a 20-month period. The COLD Z-021 system (Pulsion Medical Systems, Munich, Germany) was used to obtain both the exact measurements, as well as the estimated values for ITBV and EVLW. Two hundred ninety intraindividually comparative measurements were performed during the first 4 days after the burn injury. A good correlation between both techniques was shown for ITBVI (0.77; P

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Citation Information

Küntscher, M. V., Czermak, C., Blome-Eberwein, S., Dacho, A., & Germann, G. (2003). Transcardiopulmonary thermal dye versus single thermodilution methods for assessment of intrathoracic blood volume and extravascular lung water in major burn resuscitation. The Journal Of Burn Care & Rehabilitation, 24(3), 142-147.