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When is Educational Specialization Heterogeneity Related to Creativity in Research and Development Teams? Transformational Leadership as a Moderator
Journal of Applied Psychology (2007)
  • Shung Jae Shin, Portland State University
  • Jing Zhou, Graduate School of Management, Rice University
The authors examined conditions under which teams' educational specialization heterogeneity was positively related to team creativity. Using a sample of 75 research and development teams, the authors theorized and found that transformational leadership and educational specialization heterogeneity interacted to affect team creativity in such a way that when transformational leadership was high, teams with greater educational specialization heterogeneity exhibited greater team creativity. In addition, teams' creative efficacy mediated this moderated relationship among educational specialization heterogeneity, transformational leadership, and team creativity. The authors discuss the implications of these results for research and practice
Publication Date
November, 2007
Publisher Statement
© 2007, American Psychological Association

*At the time of publication:
Shung J. Shin was affiliated with Department of Management and Operations, College of Business, Washington State University

Citation Information
Shin, S. J., & Zhou, J. (2007). When is educational specialization heterogeneity related to creativity in research and development teams? Transformational leadership as a moderator. Journal of applied Psychology, 92(6), 1709.