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The Evolution of Family Level Sales Forecasts into Product Level Forecasts: Modeling and Estimation
IIE Transactions (2007)
  • Shu Zhou, San Jose State University
  • P. L. Jackson
  • R. O. Roundy
  • R. Q. Zhang

It is frequently the case that sales forecasts are available at the detailed product level for only a relatively short time horizon. For the rest of the forecast horizon, only aggregate sales forecasts at the product family level are available. The problem addressed in this paper is how to fit a forecast simulation model to a history of these aggregate and disaggregate forecasts. Our approach to develop such a model is to combine a forecast update model with a forecast disaggregation model. The forecast update model is called the Martingale model of forecast evolution. The parameters of the two models must be estimated from historical forecast data. It is this statistical parameter estimation problem that occupies the major part of our investigation. We recommend an estimation technique based on the method of moments.

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Citation Information
Shu Zhou, P. L. Jackson, R. O. Roundy and R. Q. Zhang. "The Evolution of Family Level Sales Forecasts into Product Level Forecasts: Modeling and Estimation" IIE Transactions Vol. 39 Iss. 9 (2007)
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