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About Shrishail S. Navi


Present Associate Scientist, Iowa State University Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology

Curriculum Vitae


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Honors and Awards

  • January 2012. P P Singhal Memorial Pesticides India Industries Award for the paper “Effect of foliar and seed treatment fungicides on soybean diseases and yield response”
  • November 2005: Best paper award for the paper “Seedling inoculation screening technique to identify resistance to soybean sudden death syndrome caused by Fusarium solani f. sp. glycines”
  • February 1998: Fellow of Indian Phytopathological Society
  • November 1997: Certificate of appreciation for ten year effective and loyal service,International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics: ICRISAT
  • February 1997: Link Scientist CAB International
  • 1984–86: Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) junior research fellowship awarded on a national level competition for M.Sc. Agriculture in Plant Pathology
  • 1980–84: ICAR merit fellowship for B.Sc. Agriculture

Contact Information

351 Bessey
2200 Osborn Dr
Ames, IA 50011
Phone: 515-294-4517
Fax: 515-294-9420


Reports (13)