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Unpublished Paper
SafeStart Medical: An Innovative HIT Solution to Never Events (WSPE)
2020 Intern Reports
  • Shikhar Gupta, '22, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

SafeStart Medical is a health information technology company offering a healthcare system, or electronic health record, that reduces dangerous handoff and communication errors, reduces delays and cancellations in the operating room, and empowers the patient as an active member of their care team. SafeStart is an automated and digitized revenue cycle management tool that improves perioperative patient safety, quality of care, and patient throughput. They specifically aim to prevent the occurrence of Never Events, preventable and serious medical errors that occur at an alarming rate. As an intern at SafeStart, I performed research on clinical topics such as Never Events and COVID-19 in order to create thoughtful content for healthcare professionals and patients to post on social media platforms. I helped SafeStart establish themselves as thought leaders in the patient safety space.

Publication Date
Dr. Richard Vazquez MD FACS; SafeStart Medical, CEO/CMO
  • Innovation,
  • Workforce Development,
  • Career Pathways,
  • Career Development
Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International
Citation Information
Shikhar Gupta. "SafeStart Medical: An Innovative HIT Solution to Never Events (WSPE)" (2020)
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