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Standing On the Shoulders of Giants
OLA Quarterly (2005)
  • Sherry Buchanan, Portland State University
Invited paper - "Day in the Life" issue of OLA Quartlery “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” — Isaac Newton
The basis of my interest in librarianship is philanthropy, volunteerism, an eagerness for positive change and a desire to leave this planet better than I found it. With an iron will to collaborate rather than compete, I find myself unable to refuse opportunities to foster democratic, universal access to information. A good friend and colleague refers to the urge to volunteer (yes, of course, I will copy edit your paper) as “helium hand,” but the drive to successfully work with others is stronger than the elements— it is a spirit of service. More than a sense of altruism or obligation, it is a desire to see others grow and watch the energy of open minds ripple across a luminescent ocean of change. It is an immersion into life, interconnectedness, the sense that we’re all working toward the same outcomes. It is with fervor and fuel that I approach writing topics, interactions with others and the intricacies of life. Each of us has been afforded an opportunity to embrace change or resent it. Why not volunteer? Why not engage in a good challenge? It is this attitude that distinguishes a professional from a paraprofessional, no matter what your official status.
Publication Date
Winter 2005
Citation Information
Sherry Buchanan. "Standing On the Shoulders of Giants" OLA Quarterly Vol. 11 Iss. 4 (2005) p. 18 - 19 ISSN: 1093-7374
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