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Those Kinds of People
Pluribus Unum: The Casebook (1998)
  • Sherone Smith-Sanchez, Molloy College
In the heart of Harlem, New York, is a private Pentecostal Christian school. Its population was approximately five percent Hispanic and ninety five percent Black (of this group, seventy five percent were African American and twenty five percent, Caribbean). This remained so until one Chinese five year old began attendance. Her admittance process was very different from the rest of the school's population. Her father, a recent immigrant, whose family owned the Chinese restaurant across the street, arrived at the school's administrative office one fall Monday morning, with the child. Upon approaching the Director of Admissions, he said: "School?" She affirmed that this was indeed a school.
Publication Date
Josue Gonzalez and Elsie Szeczy
Citation Information
Sherone Smith-Sanchez. "Those Kinds of People" Verzion 2.0Pluribus Unum: The Casebook (1998)
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