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A Student-Created, Open Access, Living Textbook
Chemical Engineering Education
  • Sualyneth Galarza, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • Sarah L. Perry, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • Shelly Peyton, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Publication Date

Textbooks are expensive, updated infrequently, and rarely used effectively by students. We discuss here a way for students to create the textbook for the course, helping them feel ownership over the course material. This Wiki-based, student-created textbook is online free for use, widely accessible by all, and editable during the course of and as topics evolve. This type of textbook format is particularly well suited to upper-level electives on topics that are rapidly emerging. We have nucleated a student created textbook here, fully online and open access, for two upper elective courses in chemical engineering. Wikis offer an easy-to-learn platform that does not require previous training in coding, and we have found it to be an excellent way to increase student learning while encouraging student buy-in and ownership of their course textbook.


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UMass Amherst Open Access Policy
This work was funded by an NIH New Innovator Award (1DP2CA186573-01) and a grant from the NSF (DMR- 1454806). SRP is a Pew biomedical scholar supported by the Pew Charitable Trusts, and was supported by a Barry and Afsaneh Siadat Faculty Development Award.
Citation Information
Sualyneth Galarza, Sarah L. Perry and Shelly Peyton. "A Student-Created, Open Access, Living Textbook" Chemical Engineering Education Vol. 51 Iss. 1 (2017)
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