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Faculty Involvement in Graduate Student Recruitment: Administrative Directive or Professional Preference?.
Journal of College Admission (2006)
  • Shawn Woodhouse
This study explores graduate faculty involvement in graduate student recruitment at a research university to determine if, because of challenges to enrollment trends, faculty are involved, and, if they are, is it because administrators mandate it or because faculty have a professional desire to be involved? The sample size consisted of 148 graduate faculty. An overwhelming majority of the respondents indicated that graduate student recruitment is a part of their job responsibilities, but they are not required to engage in recruitment. Results also revealed that graduate coordinators, faculty and department chairs are involved in student recruitment. Faculty in the College of Education was the only group to indicate that their dean is involved in student recruitment. (Contains 5 tables.)
Publication Date
January 1, 2006
Citation Information
Shawn Woodhouse. "Faculty Involvement in Graduate Student Recruitment: Administrative Directive or Professional Preference?." Journal of College Admission Vol. 191 (2006) p. 26 - 32
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