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Military Terror and Silence in Brazil, 1910-1945
Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies
  • Shawn Smallman, Portland State University
Document Type
Publication Date
  • Violence -- Brazil -- History -- 20th century,
  • Political violence -- Brazil -- History -- 20th century,
  • Social control -- Brazil -- History -- 20th century,
  • Terrorism

Throughout the twentieth century, the Brazilian military has gone to great lengths to conceal its use of terror. The armed forces have kidnapped journalists, censored newspapers, and threatened authors. Such censorship and silencing have not only limited criticism from powerful social groups, but have also enabled the military to defend political myths that are in its interest. To date, however, few scholars have carefully examined military terror in Brazil, although testimonials abound. In order to better understand this phenomenon, consequently, this study examines two specific cases of military terror in Brazil, and the armed forces' efforts to silence or shape the memory of these events.


This is the publisher's final PDF. Originally published in Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies.

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Citation Information
Smallman, S. (1999). Military terror and silence in Brazil, 1910-1945. Canadian Journal Of Latin American And Caribbean Studies = Revue Canadienne Des Études Latino-Américaines Et Caraïbes, 24(47), 5-27.