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Trends in Global Gender Inequality
Social Forces (2010)
  • Shawn F. Dorius, The Pennsylvania State University
This study investigates trends in gender inequality for the world as a whole. Using data
encompassing a large majority of the world’s population, we examine world trends over recent
decades for key indicators of gender inequality in education, mortality, political representation,
and economic activity. We find that gender inequality is declining in virtually all major domains,
that the decline is occurring across diverse religious and cultural traditions, and that population
growth is slowing the decline because populations are growing faster in countries where there is
the greatest gender inequality.
Publication Date
Publisher Statement
This is a manuscript of an article published as Dorius, Shawn F., and Glenn Firebaugh. "Trends in global gender inequality." Social Forces 88, no. 5 (2010): 1941-1968. doi: 10.1353/sof.2010.0040. Posted with permission.

Copyright 2010 The University of North Carolina Press
Citation Information
Shawn F. Dorius. "Trends in Global Gender Inequality" Social Forces Vol. 88 Iss. 5 (2010) p. 1941 - 1968
Available at: