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Migration Patterns and Language Maintenance in Paraguay
Journal of Sociolinguistics (1998)
  • Shaw N. Gynan, Western Washington University
Paraguay is unique among American countries because - despite over four centuries of domination by governments run in Spanish, an Indo-European language - the majority of the population speaks Guaraní, an indigenous South American language. Paraguay is often described incorrectly as having nearly complete, stable bilingualism. A careful examination of Paraguayan language census data reveals that bilingualism is not nearly as widespread as claimed. Furthermore, official figures show that the apparent stability of relative proportions of Spanish, Guaraní, and bilingualism masks important changes that are due in part to internal migration.
  • Guaraní,
  • Paraguayan language
Publication Date
Publisher Statement
Published by Blackwell Publishers Ltd. 1998
Citation Information
Shaw N. Gynan. "Migration Patterns and Language Maintenance in Paraguay" Journal of Sociolinguistics Vol. 2 Iss. 2 (1998)
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