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Assessing the Healthcare Needs of Transgender and Non-Transgender Communities Accessing Care in Safety-Net Clinics in Washington State and Washington, D.C.o Title
Journal of Young Investigators (2022)
  • Anna Howard, University of Washington
  • Lucas Bjorkheim, University of Washington Tacoma
  • Jamie Root, University of Washington Tacoma
  • Sharon Laing, University of Washington Tacoma
Safety-net systems in the United States are crucial in ensuring that low-income, low-resourced and marginalized communities have access to healthcare. Many patients of safety-net clinics are from minoritized racial, ethnic and gender communities who are subject to unique challenges when accessing care, particularly transgender patients. This study aims to understand the needs of transgender and non-transgender safety-net patients accessing care at community health centers, so those needs can be considered and implemented in future healthcare frameworks. An in-depth content analysis was performed on a free response question targeting perceptions about healthcare delivery from patients obtaining care at community and human services centers in Washington, D.C. and Washington State. Themes that emerged from analyses include: (1) safety-net patients seek more accessible and affordable healthcare services, and transgender patients require genderaffirming care, (2) transgender patients require access to providers and specialists with knowledge of their needs and (3) safety-net patients seek improved resources to support their healthcare decision making. Consistent with previous literature, our findings imply that even with access to healthcare, patients from low-resourced populations and patients who identify as transgender continue to face significant barriers to achieving positive health outcomes within the safety-net healthcare system. 
  • Transgender,
  • safety-net clinics,
  • healthcare access
Publication Date
Fall September 1, 2022
Citation Information
Anna Howard, Lucas Bjorkheim, Jamie Root and Sharon Laing. "Assessing the Healthcare Needs of Transgender and Non-Transgender Communities Accessing Care in Safety-Net Clinics in Washington State and Washington, D.C.o Title" Journal of Young Investigators Vol. 25 Iss. 9 (2022) ISSN: 1539-4026
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