Supporting Care Management for Low-Resourced Communities
Center for AIDS Research, UW/Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Mobile health technologies have the potential to increase healthcare access for low-resourced and underserved communities. The purpose of this talk is to showcase safety-net patients’ digital healthcare practices and healthcare providers’ assessment of the opportunities for and challenges to integrating technology into existing workloads. The talk will close with an examination of the future of digital healthcare in supporting care delivery for low-resourced communities.
- mHealth,
- Low-Resourced Communities
Publication Date
Fall September 17, 2020
Seattle, WA
Citation Information
Sharon Laing. "Supporting Care Management for Low-Resourced Communities" Center for AIDS Research, UW/Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (2020) Available at: http://works.bepress.com/sharon-laing/36/
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