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About Sharon Kim

Glee Club & Chamber Singers
Assistant Director & Accompanist
Keyboard Harmony, Music and the Enlightenment
Sharon actively performs as collaborative pianist, vocal coach, music director, choral and vocal accompanist, chamber musician, and piano instructor.  Ms. Kim joined the Saint Mary’s College Music Faculty in the fall of 2008. She is the Assistant Director and Accompanist of the internationally award-winning Saint Mary’s College Chamber Singers and Glee Club- winner of 2 gold medals from the largest international competition.  Aside from teaching music history, piano, and choir at the college, Ms. Kim is the Assistant Director of the Faculty Chamber Sunday’s Series since it’s inception in the Fall of 2013.  Sharon is the co-founding member of Duo Camaraderie together with flutist Laura Scarlata,  the pianist of Ensemble Ari, an accompanist at the San Francisco Girls Chorus, a staff pianist at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music, and teaches at the Crowden Music Center.  Sharon also serves as Site Director of Worship Arts at Christ Church East Bay in Lafayette, CA. and maintains a thriving private studio, teaching piano students and vocal coaching singers.

Sharon graduated with honors in music from UC Berkeley and continued her studies at the New England Conservatory where she received her Master’s degree with honors and distinction in performance in Collaborative Piano. She then furthered her studies at the conservatory to receive her Graduate Diploma. Ms.Kim’s teachers have included Irma Vallecillo, Kayo Iwama, John Greer, Barbara Shearer, and Margret Elson. During past summers, Sharon attended the Music Academy of the West, SongFest Professional Program, and Mendocino Music Festival’s Emerging Artists Program. She has participated in master classes with Mitsuko Shirai, Martin Katz, Graham Johnson, Pierre Vallet, Thomas Quasthoff, Warren Jones, Jonathan Feldman, Craig Smith, John Harbison and Myung-Hwa Chung.  Sharon is a frequent recitalist and has performed and recorded throughout the nation and internationally with various colleges, companies, and organizations including the Voci Women’s Ensemble, Handel and Haydn Society, Boston Children’s Chorus, MassTheatrica, Bay Area Summer Opera Theater Institute, New England Conservatory, Wellesley College, Boston College, and San Francisco Conservatory.


Present Faculty Member, Saint Mary's College of California Performing Art: Music, Dance and Theatre
Present Faculty Member, Saint Mary's College of California Performing Arts: Music
Present Faculty Member, Saint Mary's College of California School of Liberal Arts


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BA, Music, University of California - Berkeley
MA, Collaborative Piano, New England Conservatory of Music
Graduate Diploma, New England Conservatory of Music

Contact Information

Office: Syufy Hall 110
Phone: (510) 529-5779


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