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The complete parsimony haplotype inference problem and algorithms based on integer programming, branch-and-bound and Boolean satisfiability
Journal of Discrete Algorithms (2016)
  • Gerold Jäger, Umeå University
  • Sharlee Climer, Washington University in St. Louis
  • Weixiong Zhang, Washington University in St. Louis
Haplotype inference by pure parsimony (Hipp) is a well-known paradigm for haplotype inference. In order to assess the biological significance of this paradigm, we generalize the problem of Hipp to the problem of finding all optimal solutions, which we call Chipp. We study intrinsic haplotype features, such as backbone haplotypes and fat genotypes as well as equal columns and 
  • Haplotype inference,
  • Pure parsimony,
  • Branch-and-bound,
  • Integer programming,
  • Boolean satisfiability
Publication Date
March 1, 2016
Citation Information
Gerold Jäger, Sharlee Climer and Weixiong Zhang. "The complete parsimony haplotype inference problem and algorithms based on integer programming, branch-and-bound and Boolean satisfiability" Journal of Discrete Algorithms Vol. 37 (2016) p. 68 - 83
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