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The Moral Weight of Preferences: Death, Sex, and Dementia
American Journal of Bioethics
  • Shannon Fyfe, Washington and Lee University School of Law
  • Elizabeth Lanphier, Vanderbilt University
Document Type
Response or Comment
Publication Date

In "Cognitive Transformation, Dementia, and the Moral Weight of Advance Directives," Emily Walsh raises pertinent questions regarding the stability of preferences, and interests, across time, particularly in the setting of dementia diagnosis (Walsh 2020). Advance directive policy and practice rely on an at least somewhat coherent account of personal identity, and we largely agree with Walsh that dementia raises complex issues for philosophical accounts of personal identity.

Citation Information
Elizabeth Lanphier & Shannon Fyfe, The Moral Weight of Preferences: Death, Sex, and Dementia, 20 Am. J. Bioethics 76 (2020).