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Benchmarking Intensive Care Physiotherapy Staffing in Australian Tertiary Hospitals
Health Sciences Conference Papers
  • Wenxing Sun
  • Shane Patman, University of Notre Dame Australia
Publication Date

Physiotherapy is an important component in the management of patients in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Existing guidelines on ICU physiotherapy staffing represent European settings and are not contemporary. With no specific recommendations in Australia, medical and nursing staffing guidelines reflected the need to have designated physiotherapy services available and accessible 24 hours a day in ICU. Therefore, this study aimed to pinpoint a guideline for ICU physiotherapy staff allocation by examining the current physiotherapy staff levels in ICU of Australian tertiary hospitals and comparing it with staff levels desired by senior physiotherapy leaders.

  • physiotherapy staff levels

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Citation Information
Wenxing Sun and Shane Patman. "Benchmarking Intensive Care Physiotherapy Staffing in Australian Tertiary Hospitals" (2008) ISSN: 0310-057X
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