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Hookah and Cigarette Smoking Among African American U.S. College Students Ages 18–24: Implications for College Campus Risk Reduction and Health Promotion Efforts
Journal of Adolescent Health (2015)
  • Sha Lai Williams, University of Missouri-St. Louis
There is a recent increase in hookah use (exclusively or in conjunction with cigarettes) among youth/young adults—a “growing threat to public health.” Increased use may be attributable to misperceptions about hookah's deleterious effects, its increasing availability and acceptability, and lack of regulations on hookah-related products and establishments, often located near college campuses. Unlike cigar and other tobacco products, hookah may be a “gateway” to cigarette smoking initiation—thus undoing decades of tobacco prevention and cessation efforts.

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Citation Information
Sha Lai Williams. "Hookah and Cigarette Smoking Among African American U.S. College Students Ages 18–24: Implications for College Campus Risk Reduction and Health Promotion Efforts" Journal of Adolescent Health Vol. 56 Iss. 2 (2015) p. s119 - 120
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