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Progress on understanding atmospheric mercury hampered by uncertain measurements
Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health - Papers: part A
  • Daniel A Jaffe, University of Washington
  • Seth Lyman, Utah State University
  • Helen Amos, Harvard University
  • M Gustin, University of Nevada
  • Jiaoyan Huang, University of Nevada
  • Noelle E Selin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Leonard Levin, Palo Alto, California
  • Arnout Ter Schure, Electric Power Research Institute
  • Robert P Mason, University of Connecticut
  • R Talbot, University of Houston
  • Andrew Rutter, Carroll University
  • Brandon Finley, University of Washington
  • Lyatt Jaegle, University of Washington
  • Viral Shah, University of Washington
  • Crystal Mcclure, University of Washington
  • Jesse Ambrose, University of Washington
  • Lynne Gratz, University of Washington
  • Steven Lindberg, Graeagle, California
  • Peter Weiss-Penzias, University of California
  • Guey-Rong Sheu, National Central University
  • Dara Feddersen, University of New Hampshire
  • Milena Horvat, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
  • Ashu Dastoor, Environment Canada
  • Anthony J Hynes, University of Miami
  • Huiting Mao, State University of New York
  • Jeroen E Sonke, Universite Paul Sabatier
  • Franz Slemr, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry
  • Jenny A Fisher, University of Wollongong
  • Ralf Ebinghaus, Institute of Coastal Research
  • Yanxu Zhang, Harvard University
  • Grant Edwards, Macquarie University
Publication Date
Publication Details

Jaffe, D. A., Lyman, S., Amos, H. M., Gustin, M. S., Huang, J., Selin, N. E., Levin, L., Ter Schure, A., Mason, R. P., Talbot, R., Rutter, A., Finley, B., Jaegle, L., Shah, V., Mcclure, C., Ambrose, J., Gratz, L., Lindberg, S., Weiss-Penzias, P., Sheu, G., Feddersen, D., Horvat, M., Dastoor, A., Hynes, A. J., Mao, H., Sonke, J. E., Slemr, F., Fisher, J. A., Ebinghaus, R., Zhang, Y. & Edwards, G. (2014). Progress on understanding atmospheric mercury hampered by uncertain measurements. Environmental Science and Technology (Washington), 48 (13), 7204-7206.


Mercury (Hg) is a potent neurotoxin and globally reducing environmental levels is seen as paramount for protecting human and wildlife health. In 2013, many countries finalized the negotiations on, and have now signed, the Minamata Convention on Mercury, which commits participating countries to reduce emissions and use of mercury. Successful implementation of the treaty will require adequate verification through globalmonitoring.

Citation Information
Daniel A Jaffe, Seth Lyman, Helen Amos, M Gustin, et al.. "Progress on understanding atmospheric mercury hampered by uncertain measurements" (2014)
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