We present experimentally derived potential curves and spin-orbit interaction functions for the strongly perturbed A1+ u and b3u states of the cesium dimer. The results are based on data from several sources. Laser-induced fluorescence Fourier transform spectroscopy (LIF FTS) was used some time ago in the Laboratoire Aim´e Cotton primarily to study the X1+ g state. More recent work at Tsinghua University provides information from moderate resolution spectroscopy on the lowest levels of the b3± 0u states as well as additional high resolution data. From Innsbruck University, we have precision data obtained with cold Cs2 molecules. Recent data from Temple University was obtained using the optical-optical double resonance polarization spectroscopy technique, and finally, a group at the University of Latvia has added additional LIF FTS data. In the Hamiltonian matrix, we have used analytic potentials (the Expanded Morse Oscillator form) with both finite-difference (FD) coupled-channels and discrete variable representation (DVR) calculations of the term values. Fitted diagonal and off-diagonal spin-orbit functions are obtained and compared with ab initio results from Temple and Moscow State universities.
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