Experimental Studies of the NaCs 53Π0, 43Π0, and 1(a)3Σ+ States
American Physical Society Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
We present experimental studies of the NaCs molecule that are currently underway in our laboratory. The opticaloptical double resonance method is used to obtain Doppler-free excitation spectra for several excited states. Selected data from the 53Π0 and 43Π0 electronic states are used to obtain Rydberg-Klein-Rees (RKR) and Inverse Perturbation Approach (IPA) potential curves. We have also mapped the repulsive wall of the 1(a) 3Σ + potential using many resolved bound-free fluorescence spectra from individual rovibrational levels of the 53Π0 electronic state to the 1(a) 3Σ + state. Using the determined 53Π0 state potential, we fit the repulsive wall of the 1(a) 3Σ + state to reproduce the experimental spectra using LeRoy’s BCONT program. A slightly modified version of BCONT is also used to fit the relative transition dipole moments, µe(R), as a function of internuclear separation R, for the various bound-free electronic transitions. We also present bound-free spectra and BCONT simulations for the nearby 43Π0 electronic state of NaCs.
Publication Date
June 14, 2011
Atlanta, GA, US
Citation Information
Seth T Ashman, Carl Faust, Joshua Jones, Christopher Wolfe, et al.. "Experimental Studies of the NaCs 53Π0, 43Π0, and 1(a)3Σ+ States" American Physical Society Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (2011) Available at: