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About Serina Patel

Dr. Serina Patel is a pediatric oncologist at the Children's Hospital (LHSC) and an assistant professor in the Department of Paediatrics at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University.

Research Portfolio: re PubMed

Dr. Serina Patel, MD, FRCPC, joined us from the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario as a new paediatric Haematologist/Oncologist. She grew up in St. John's, Newfoundland. She attended McGill University for postsecondary studies, where she obtained her Bachelor of Science degree. She returned to Newfoundland for her medical studies and paediatric residency. Following this, she moved to Ottawa to pursue her fellowship in Paediatric Haematology/Oncology. Since the completion of the fellowship in 2014, she has worked at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario and Children’s Hospital, London Health Sciences Center, as a paediatric Haematologist/Oncologist. She is currently pursuing a Masters of Science (Epidemiology) degree from the University of Ottawa. Her research focus includes the late effects of childhood cancer therapy, specifically with regards to fertility.  Dr. Patel is also interested in clinical teaching and is looking forward to taking a more active role in both undergraduate and postgraduate teaching.


Present Assistant Professor, Western University Department of Paediatrics
Present Pediatric Oncologist, London Health Sciences Centre ‐ Children's Hospital


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