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Sub-Millimeter-Scale, 100-MeV-Class Quasi-Monoenergetic Laser Plasma Accelerator Based on All-Optical Control of Dark Current in the Blowout Regime
AIP Conference Proceedings: Advanced Accelerator Concepts: 15th Workshop (2012)
  • Serguei Y. Kalmykov
  • Xavier Davoine
  • Bradley A. Shadwick

It is demonstrated that by negatively chirping the frequency of a 20-fs, 15-TW driving laser pulse with an ultrabroad bandwidth (corresponding to a sub-2-cycle transform-limited duration it is possible to prevent early compression of the pulse into an optical shock, thus reducing expansion of the accelerating plasma bucket (electron density "bubble") and delaying dephasing of self-injected and accelerated electrons. These features help suppress unwanted continuous self-injection (dark current) in the blowout regime, making possible to use the entire dephasing length to generate low-background, quasi-monoenergetic 200-MeV-scale electron beams from sub-mm-length, dense plasmas (n_{e0} = 1.3 x 10^{19} cm^{−3}).

  • Laser wakefield acceleration,
  • blowout regime,
  • relativistic optical shock,
  • hegative group velocity dispersion,
  • all-optical control of electron trapping,
  • particle-in-cell simulations,
  • Light Wave Synthesizer
Publication Date
Winter December 21, 2012
R. B. Zgadzaj, E. W. Gaul, and M. C. Downer
American Institute of Physics
Citation Information
Serguei Y. Kalmykov, Xavier Davoine and Bradley A. Shadwick. "Sub-Millimeter-Scale, 100-MeV-Class Quasi-Monoenergetic Laser Plasma Accelerator Based on All-Optical Control of Dark Current in the Blowout Regime" New YorkAIP Conference Proceedings: Advanced Accelerator Concepts: 15th Workshop Vol. 1507 (2012)
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