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NRT-INFEWS: The DataFEWSion Traineeship Program for Innovations at the Nexus of Food Production, Renewable Energy, and Water Quality
Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering Conference Proceedings and Posters
  • Sarah M. Ryan, Iowa State University
  • Michelle L. Soupir, Iowa State University
  • Amy Kaleita, Iowa State University
  • Sergio Horacio Lence, Iowa State University
  • Robert C. Brown, Iowa State University
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Version
Published Version
Publication Date
Conference Title
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference
Conference Date
June 22-26, 2020

Sustainable provision of food, energy and clean water requires understanding of the interdependencies among systems, as well as the motivations and incentives of farmers and rural policy makers. Agriculture lies at the heart of interactions among food, energy and water systems (FEWS). It is an increasingly energy intensive enterprise, but is also a growing source of energy. Agriculture places large demands on water supplies while poor practices can degrade water quality. Each of these interactions creates opportunities for modeling driven by sensor-based and qualitative data collection to improve the effectiveness of system operation and control in the short term, as well as investments and planning for the long term. The large volume and complexity of the data collected create challenges for decision support and stakeholder communication. The DataFEWSion National Research Traineeship (NRT) program aims to build a community of researchers that explores, develops and implements effective data-driven decision-making to efficiently produce food, transform primary energy sources into energy carriers, and enhance water quality.


This proceeding is published as Ryan, Sarah M., Michelle L. Soupir, Amy Kaleita, Sergio H. Lence, and Robert Brown. "NRT-INFEWS: The DataFEWSion Traineeship Program for Innovations at the Nexus of Food Production, Renewable Energy, and Water Quality." Paper ID# 30015. In 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference. DOI: 10.18260/1-2--35002. Posted with permission.

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Copyright Owner
American Society for Engineering Education
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Citation Information
Sarah M. Ryan, Michelle L. Soupir, Amy Kaleita, Sergio Horacio Lence, et al.. "NRT-INFEWS: The DataFEWSion Traineeship Program for Innovations at the Nexus of Food Production, Renewable Energy, and Water Quality" (2020) p. 30015
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