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Copyright enforcement in Europe after ACTA: What now ?
Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy (2012)
  • Irina Baraliuc
  • Serge Gutwirth
  • Sari Depreeuw
If many Europeans have been rightly expressing their outrage and refusal of ACTA, they should remain vigilant and mobilized to what is happening much closer to their bed, inside the EU machinery. They have probably succeeded in busting ACTA, but they should be aware that the ACTA train may well hide another no less dangerous one.
Publication Date
September, 2012
Citation Information
Irina Baraliuc, Serge Gutwirth and Sari Depreeuw. "Copyright enforcement in Europe after ACTA: What now ?" Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy Vol. 41 Iss. 2 (2012)
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