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The Most Important Standard
Idaho Education News (2013)
  • Serena Hicks
When I first read the Common Core Anchor Standards, I wanted to cry. Partly out of frustration, partly out of relief. Finally! I thought. We can implement and assess the skills that kids most need! Teaching to the thin standards of No Child Left Behind left many skills behind: the ability to read complex text, the ability to problem solve, gather data, support a claim, and think beyond rote memorization in order to pass a test. Drilling students on information retention is outdated in a culture where information is readily accessible. Here, instead, are the skills our students will need to be successful in the 21st century:
  • Mastery of core subjects (math, science, history, government, reading, etc.).
  • Global awareness.
  • Financial and economic literacy.
  • Civic and health literacy.
  • Information and media literacy.
  • Life and career skills.

  • Common Core,
  • Idaho core standards
Publication Date
August 5, 2013
Citation Information
Serena Hicks. "The Most Important Standard" Idaho Education News (2013)
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