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Formation Mechanisms for Convection over the Ligurian Sea during MAP IOP-8
Monthly Weather Review (2005)
  • L Yuh-Lang, North Carolina State University at Raleigh
  • H Reeves, North Carolina State University at Raleigh
  • C Shu-yun, North Carolina State University at Raleigh
  • Sen Chiao, San Jose State University

The dynamical impacts of an unusually strong stable layer that developed over the Po Valley and northern Ligurian Sea during Mesoscale Alpine Program (MAP) intensive observation period 8 (IOP-8) on the formation of convection over the Ligurian Sea are explored. Based on numerically simulated equivalent potential temperature, wind vectors, and by a trajectory analysis of parcels both beneath and above the stable layer, it is shown that the stable layer behaved as a material surface or “effective mountain” to the airstreams impinging on it from the south. Additional analyses show that the leading edge of the stable layer was collocated with maxima in upward motion and a strong positive moisture flux. Hence, it was further argued and demonstrated through inspection of soundings upstream of the cold dome and trajectory analyses that lifting by the stable layer enhanced convective activities over the Ligurian Sea. Finally, processes contributing to the maintenance of the stable layer during IOP-8 were explored. It was found that the differential advection of a warm, less stable air mass on top of a cooler, more stable air mass helped maintain the stable layer. The Ligurian Apennines made a secondary contribution to the stagnation of the cool air in the Po Valley by partially blocking this air mass from exiting the valley to the south

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Citation Information
L Yuh-Lang, H Reeves, C Shu-yun and Sen Chiao. "Formation Mechanisms for Convection over the Ligurian Sea during MAP IOP-8" Monthly Weather Review Vol. 133 Iss. 8 (2005)
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