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Motorists’ Willingness to Pay for E85 versus E10
Agricultural Policy Review
  • Sebastien Pouliot, Iowa State University
  • Kenneth Liao, Oberlin College
Publication Date

In November 2016, the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) released the 􀏐inal rule for biofuel volumes under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) for 2017. The total renewable fuel volume requirement for 2017 is 19.28 billion gallons, up from 18.11 billion gallons in 2016. Of the total renewable fuel volume, 15 billion gallons may be met with conventional biofuel, establishing the implied mandate for ethanol.

Citation Information
Sebastien Pouliot and Kenneth Liao. "Motorists’ Willingness to Pay for E85 versus E10" (2017)
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