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The Gas/Dust Ratio of Circumstellar Disks: Testing Models of Planetesimal Formation
The Astrophysical Journal
  • David Horne, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
  • Erika Gibb, University of Missouri
  • Terrence W Rettig, University of Notre Dame
  • Sean D Brittain, Clemson University
  • David Tilley, University of Notre Dame
  • Dinshaw Balsara, University of Notre Dame
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The American Astronomical Society

We present high-resolution, near-infrared NIRSPEC observations of CO absorption toward six class II T Tauri stars: AA Tau, DG Tau, IQ Tau, RY Tau, CW Tau, and Haro 6–5b. 12CO overtone absorption lines originating from the circumstellar disk of each object were used to calculate line-of-sight gas column densities toward each source. We measured the gas/dust ratio as a function of disk inclination, utilizing measured visual extinctions and inclinations for each star. The majority of our sources show further evidence for a correlation between the gas/dust columndensity ratio and disk inclination similar to that found by Rettig et al.


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