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3D Numerical Temperature Model Development and Calibration for Lakes and Reservoirs: A Case Study
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress
  • Hussein A. M. Al-Zubaidi, Portland State University
  • Scott A. Wells, Portland State University
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A 3D hydrodynamic and temperature numerical model was developed and calibrated for Lake Chaplain, Washington, USA. The governing equations are the continuity equation, free surface equation, momentum equation, and conservation equation of transport. The model employs the semi-implicit finite difference scheme to solve the governing equations and higher order schemes (QUICK and Quickest) for mass and heat transport in contrast to simpler but more diffusive first order UPWIND scheme. A unique feature of the 3D numerical solution of the model free surface equation is that the solution uses a tri-diagonal matrix form rather than a more common pentadiagonal matrix. The surface heat exchange and turbulence structure were based on the CE-QUAL-W2 model. Comparisons in water surface levels and temperature vertical profiles between model predictions and data were performed using different advective transport schemes. The model matched data with good error statistics.

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Citation Information
Al-Zubaidi, H. A., & Wells, S. A. 3D Numerical Temperature Model Development and Calibration for Lakes and Reservoirs: A Case Study. In World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2017 (pp. 595-610).