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About Scott Bates

Scott C. Bates, Ph.D. is a professor who earned a B.S. from Whitman College, an M.S. from Western Washington University and a Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology from Colorado State University. I conduct research in three primary areas:
* Environmental Psychology: I am particularly interested in environmental perception and restorative environments. A currently funded NASA project involves the design and assessment of the non-nutritive benefits to having and/or tending plants in isolated environments such as those found in space travel.
* Higher Education Teaching & Learning: Understanding college-level learning, and optimizing college-level teaching, is another of my research interests. I have several studies ongoing, including a funded study of online learning aids for the introductory psychology course. I am also interested in the nature and structure of the introductory psychology course.

* Problem Behavior Prevention: Much of my research background is in survey research related to problem behavior prevention. Recent projects in this area have involved the design and assessment of a personalized, web-based, social-norms intervention among college students, an exploration of social-influences on college-student alcohol use.
I teach primarily in the undergraduate program: General Psychology (PSY 1010), Scientific Thinking & Methods in Psychology (PSY 3500), and Orientation to Psychology as a Major and Career (PSY 2950). I also teach Social Psychology at the graduate level (PSY 3510). I have accumulated an excellent record of teaching accomplishment--including college and national awards for excellence in teaching.
I run an active research lab that includes undergraduate and graduate students. I currently supervise six graduate students. Their projects range from social influences on alcohol involvement, to evaluation os sex-education in high-schools, to an analysis of the processes of worry and rumination, to an assessment of the underlying processes in the perception of school safety.


Present Department Head, Utah State University Psychology
Present Professor, Utah State University Psychology
Associate Vice President, Office of Research and Graduate Studies, Utah State University Office of Research and Graduate Studies

Curriculum Vitae

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Honors and Awards

  • 2008 - Early Career Teaching Excellence Award, American Psychological Association, Division 2, Society for the Teaching of Psychology
  • 2008 - Nominated for Carnegie Professor of the Year, Emma Eccles Jones College of Education & Human Services, Utah State University
  • 2007 - Teacher of the Year, Emma Eccles Jones College of Education & Human Services, Utah State University
  • 2007 - Finalist for Robins Award for Professor of the Year, Utah State University
  • 2006 - Nominated for Outstanding Service to First Year Students, Utah State University
  • 1996 - Student Award for Research Excellence, Rocky Mountain Psychological Association
  • 1996 - Distinction, Seminar on College Teaching, Colorado State University
  • 1994 - Martin Seligman Award for Achievement in Applied Research, Colorado State University

Contact Information

Old Main 164D; EDUC 480
(435) 797-2975


Presentations (40)