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How Frodo Baggins Became a Hero: An Analysis of a Hobbit’s Heroic Transformation
Heroic Transformation: How Heroes Change Themselves and the World (2019)
  • Lee M Tyler, University of Richmond
Frodo Baggins is a worldwide hero who transcends cultural influence and who possesses many universal qualities, even if he is fictional. As a character, he touches many people at some point in both the books and the movies in the Lord of the Rings franchise. Analyzing Frodo’s heroic journey and transformation, as well as his characteristics that allow him to complete his journey, reveal that ordinary beings are capable of acquiring the traits of a hero, and that choosing to act heroically and embark on the journey can bring about significant heroic transformation.
  • Frodo Baggins,
  • Frodo Baggins hero,
  • Lord of the Rings hero journey
Publication Date
Citation Information
Lee M Tyler. "How Frodo Baggins Became a Hero: An Analysis of a Hobbit’s Heroic Transformation" Heroic Transformation: How Heroes Change Themselves and the World (2019)
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