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Jack Bauer: The Heroic Transformation of the Ultimate Moral Rebel
Heroic Transformation: How Heroes Change Themselves and the World (2019)
  • Ethan Libo, University of Richmond
Jack Bauer, played by Kiefer Sutherland in Fox’s hit TV series 24, took the idea of “civil disobedience” to a new extreme through eight seasons of thrilling and at times cheesy drama and action. Bauer heroically thwarted terrorist attacks by the end of the day, but with so many lives on the line Jack Bauer had to cross the line of the law. As Bauer put it himself,  “I will do whatever it takes to save them and I mean whatever it takes.” During his career Jack Bauer saved millions of lives but in doing so he disobeyed superiors (including the President at times), but more importantly he tortured people and violated the constitution.
  • Jack Bauer,
  • Jack Bauer hero,
  • Rebel hero
Publication Date
Citation Information
Ethan Libo. "Jack Bauer: The Heroic Transformation of the Ultimate Moral Rebel" Heroic Transformation: How Heroes Change Themselves and the World (2019)
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